38,456 Happy Customers.
Our real-time analytics provide actionable for insights into customer behavior, enabling you to identify high-potential leads.
Trusted by 14,000+ founders & business owners
Task & project management.
Gantt charts and Kanban boards for workflow visualization.
Workflow automation.
Integration with third-party tools like Slack, Zapier, and Google.
Sales & marketing tools.
Sales pipeline tracking with deal stage visualization.
Reporting & insights
This module provides customizable reports tailored to different stakeholders.
Knowledge management
Optiflow serves as a centralized repository for your organization's collective.
Market intelligence tools
Market intelligence tools empower form businesses with the insights.
In today’s fast-paced business environment, having acces to real-time data is crucial for making.
Performance monitoring.
In today’s fast-paced form business environment
Collaboration tools.
Leveraging AI-driven recommendations
Leverage the power of AI to turn raw data into actionable into
with Optiflow's advanced reporting features.
In today’s fast-paced business environment, having access to real-time data is crucial for making informed decisions quickly. Optiflow’s real-time reporting feature leverages AI.
Increase in retention.
User base growth
Optiflow revolutionized the way we manage our daily operations. From tracking tasks to form the automating workflows, it’s been a game for into changer for our team productivity. We can’t the imagine going back to our old systems .
Businesses have reported a 45% increase in customer retention.
Businesses using Optiflow have seen a 35% improvement in team productivity.
Businesses have experienced a 60% improvement in sales conversion rates.
SAVE 20%
Always free
Core dashboard with real-time insights.
Task and project management tools.
Basic financial tracking and invoicing.
Employee and team management.
250+ top apps are available to integrate seamlessly with segment.